The 12th volume of the Tiscia monograph series is now published online. The new volume is a comprehensive monograph on the vegetation of the Tisza valley, which is among the most diverse and natural landscapes in Hungary. The authors of the monograph evaluate the vegetation composition of 34 associations based on 1500 relevés. The volume was edited by László Körmöczi and Orsolya Makra, and published by the Department of Ecology, University of Szeged.
The monograph focuses on the following orders:
Duckweed covers (Lemnetalia minoris)
Bladderwort colonies (Lemno-Utricularietalia)
Large pondweed beds (Potametalia)
Small galingale swards (Nanocyperetalia)
Reed beds (Phragmitetalia)
Water dropwort - Flowering rush communities (Oenanthetalia aquaticae)
Tall herb communities (Molinietalia)
Pannonic saline meadows (Scorzonero-Juncetalia gerardii)
Willow scrubs and galleries (Salicetalia purpureae)
Mezophilous deciduous forests (Fagetalia sylvaticae)
Subcontinental submediterranean dry deciduous forests of Southeast Europe (Quercetalia roboris)
Alder swamp woods (Alnetalia glutinosae)
We contributed to the monograph with the chapter on Pannonic saline meadows.
The citation of the monograph: Körmöczi, L., Makra, O. (Eds.): Vegetation and Fauna of Tisza River Basin III. Tiscia Monograph Series 12, Szeged, 2019.
The citation of our chapter: Deák, B., Valkó, O., Tóthmérész, B. (2019): VIII. Pannonic saline meadows - Scorzonero-Juncetalia gerardii. pp. 61-90.
Duckweed covers (Lemnetalia minoris)
Bladderwort colonies (Lemno-Utricularietalia)
Large pondweed beds (Potametalia)
Small galingale swards (Nanocyperetalia)
Reed beds (Phragmitetalia)
Water dropwort - Flowering rush communities (Oenanthetalia aquaticae)
Tall herb communities (Molinietalia)
Pannonic saline meadows (Scorzonero-Juncetalia gerardii)
Willow scrubs and galleries (Salicetalia purpureae)
Mezophilous deciduous forests (Fagetalia sylvaticae)
Subcontinental submediterranean dry deciduous forests of Southeast Europe (Quercetalia roboris)
Alder swamp woods (Alnetalia glutinosae)
We contributed to the monograph with the chapter on Pannonic saline meadows.
The citation of the monograph: Körmöczi, L., Makra, O. (Eds.): Vegetation and Fauna of Tisza River Basin III. Tiscia Monograph Series 12, Szeged, 2019.
The citation of our chapter: Deák, B., Valkó, O., Tóthmérész, B. (2019): VIII. Pannonic saline meadows - Scorzonero-Juncetalia gerardii. pp. 61-90.
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Early spring aspect of a Pannonic saline meadow in the Hortobágy National Park. |