6th EDGG Special Feature in Hacquetia 2021: Fauna, flora, vegetation and conservation of Palaearctic natural and semi-natural grasslands
The submission of manuscripts for the EDGG-edited Special Feature in Hacquetia 2021 is open. We welcome manuscripts about natural and semi-natural grasslands, on all taxa and from any region in the Palaearctic realm (Europe; West, Central and North Asia; North Africa).
Hacquetia is the international journal of the Biological Branch of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences. It appears in two issues per year, both in print and online. Through offering longer articles, open access publication and free reproduction of colour figures, it is a very attractive publication venue. Currently it is indexed in the Scopus and BIOSIS literature databases, and it is likely to be included in the Web of Science in the near future.
This Special Issue will be the 6th EDGG-edited Special Issue in Hacquetia, following the five successful issues in 2014/1, 2015/1, 2016/2, 2018/1 and 2019/2. This Special Issue will appear as the first issue of 2021, to be published approximately in January 2021, with about 150–250 pages reserved for our articles. It will also contain a report on the EDGG activities of the previous year.
Procedure and deadlines: The deadline for full-text submission is 15 January 2020 and manuscripts will undergo the normal peer-review process. If you are interested in contributing a manuscript for this comprehensive Special Issue, then please contact me and submit your manuscript to me.
Author guidelines can be found at the journal homepage.
Guest Editor Team:
Orsolya Valkó (Hungary, Chair of the Guest Editors)
Stephen Venn (Finland)
Sabina Burrascano (Italy)
Salza Palpurina (Bulgaria)
Rocco Labadessa (Italy)
Atushi Ushimaru (Japan)
Contact for questions and submission of manuscripts:
Orsolya Valkó (valkoorsi@gmail.com)